Join us for Sunday School 9:00 - 9:15am Sunday mornings. There is a class for everyone!

The Seekers Sunday School class is a group of adults lead by Robin Salosky ranging in age from 18 to 80 who earnestly desire to search and study the scriptures. We move through a book of the Bible looking at the message and how we can apply it to our lives and walk with Christ. This is a very relaxed atmosphere that creates a time of fellowship along with our studies.
New seekers always welcome!

Circle of Friends
Growing in our faith by studying the Word, each of us are on a spiritual journey, but the class brings all of this alive and into focus by our unity and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Circle of Friends starts at 8:45am on Sunday morning, with an open seat and a cup of coffee for you.
Walter Killingsworth teaches this class, current study material "Acts For Everyone" Part 1 by NT Wright.
Individuals in this class are passionate about using their spiritual gifts in many ways.

Fellowship Class
The mission of this class is to reach out to all those individuals who may have an interest in learning about the Bible. We choose studies which help to bridge daily living and the written word. We are open to all those who are interested. You can show up any Sunday, no need to be prepared other than having an open heart. Please join us for fellowship, fun, and learning.

Lohr Class
The Lohr Class meets on Sunday mornings downstairs in the room off of the kitchen. Walt Lohr is the teacher. We are currently studying curriculum from David C. Cook.

The Refuge class is lead by Sally Johnson and Linda Rush. We meet in the upstairs Sunday School room overlooking the sanctuary. Currently we are studying "Life Lessons: Book of Revelation" written by Max Lucado. We'd love for you to join us!