Members and Friends of First Baptist Church:
As we approach Sunday March 29 and look forward to Palm Sunday April 5, we will remain exclusively a “distributive congregation”. That is a term that is coming to mean that while we are physically apart, we are still united in heart, purpose and mission. We truly are a member of God’s First Baptist Church family!
We will continue to provide the live streaming service on Sundays and keep you informed as we balance all the diverse advice and directives that we are all receiving from the CDC and various levels of government.
In the interim, until we can gather again, whether that time will be long or short, remember that even though we are facing an invisible threat we have an invisible yet, super powerful force, in the Holy Spirit. Have confidence in God to not lose you from his care!
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." -1 John 4:4
Stay in prayer and live with unshakable trust in our risen Savior.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Peirce
