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First Baptist Church

A Letter To Parents, From Your Youth Director

I see you. I see the emotions that have surfaced at such a time as this. I see your frustration, anger, sadness and I see your anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. I want you to know that you aren't alone. We are navigating these new waters together and you are not alone.

I first want to encourage you to look at this time as an opportunity to teach! This is an opportunity to teach your kids about the current events in our world. Don't hide what's going on, teach them that this virus and seemingly world crisis is something that we can recognize and pray about.  Teach your kids that public health is a blessing that we can't take for granted. Pray with them for our community, the world, the people affected, and teach them what it means to have a Christian worldview.

Second, this is an opportunity to refocus on family! This may be a time to stay home and cancel events, but this is no time to cancel fun! I encourage you to

do things you normally wouldn't. Get out the paints, cook in the kitchen, MAKE A MESS! You'll have time to clean it up, I promise. There is nothing like the connection you can make with your kids when you play together. And what child can hide in their room when something messy is happening?!

Lastly, this is an opportunity to have real conversations. Youth aged kids are navigating this strange time where they are sometimes treated as adults and sometimes treated as kids. Yes, teach, but also listen. Stay up a little later when the little siblings go to bed, break out a package of oreos, and TALK. You'll see that they have opinions, fears, and maybe even some anger. Taking care of your family physically is one thing, but taking some time to listen and take care of your kids emotionally is important too.

So, I see you. And I want to help you. Know that I am praying every day for you and your family. Please message me if I can do anything at all.

In Christ,

Mandi Pascarella

Director of Youth and Technology

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